1916 - ???? Junkers Construction Office
During WWI Jaekel was busy in the Junkers design office. He was responsible for several marine design aircraft, starting with the Junkers JM.1 in 1916. Jaeckel worked as a ship designer until 1915 and joint Sablatnig Flugzeugwerke in 1916, but moved to Junkers shortly later.
Graf Janovic
1922 - 1925 Junkers Luftverkehr Supervisory Board
Graf Jankovic was one of the founders of Ungarischer Aero Express in December 1922. He was a member of the supervisory board of Transeuropa Union until 1924.
Keppler, Wilhelm
Kindermann, Karlheinz B.
???? - 1945 JFM Test Pilot
1945 - ???? President Junkers Society
He flew first the Junkers Ju88 on 21.12.1936. On 04.06.1938 Kindermann achieved a world record with Junkers Ju89 D-ALAT, when Kindermann climbed up to 9312 metres with 5000kg payload. Four days later Kindermann reached 7242 metres with 10000kg payload. Kindermann was joined by the Junkers pilot Wendel and by Werner Hotopf during this flight. After WWII Kindermann became president of the Hugo Junkers Gesellschaft.
Kleinhenz, Franz
1924 - ???? Junkers Fili Plant
Franz Kleinhenz joint Junkers in 1924 and was sent to Fili as a construction engineer.
Knick, Otto
1892 - 1921 Junkers Civilingenieur, later Junkers + Co.
Otto Knick was one of the earliest workers at a Junkers company. He already joint the Hugo Junkers Civilingenieur company in May 1892. Hugo Junkers himself stated, that Otto Knick had the original ideas of metal constructions and that he intensively formed Junkers thinking about utilization of metal structures. Otto Knick was also engaged in the construction of the first Junkers aircraft, i.e. the Junkers J-1 and the Junkers J2.
Dr. Koppenberg, Heinrich
( * 25. Mar. 1880 + 06. Sept. 1960 )
1934 - 1941 JFM Directors Board
Heinrich Koppenberg became chairman of the Supervisory Board of IFA and managing director of JUMO on 24th November 1933, after Hugo Junkers was forced to drop both positions by the Nazis. Koppenberg was already managing director of the Flick consortium. Under his leadership the Junkerswerke were developed to one of Germany's most powerful armament facilities. He integrated Junkers Flugzeugwerke AG and Junkers Motorenbau GmbH into the Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke AG in 1936. He was also responsible for the massive expansion of Junkers facilities throughout Germany. In January 1941 Koppenberg left the board of directors of IFM, followed by Dr. Leo Rothe. Koppenberg already left the IFA supervisory board on 16th December 1937. Since 1941 Koppenberg was responsible for aluminium production in Germany and the occupied countries. After the end of WWII Koppenberg tried to reactivate the former Junkers consortium. He was killed by accident in 1960.
- Flugzeug Lorenz - Story about Koppenberg, Deichmann Interview with Koppenberg
Kraft, Heinz
( * 21 Apr 1898 - )
1930s JFM Construction Office (during WWII Letov Prague)
Heinz Kraft studied Engineering at the Technical Highschool of Munich. In 1923 he Joint the Shipyard of Stralsund. Later he moved to Rohrbach, Heinkel and Henschel.
Kraft was member of the Junkers construction office since 1936. He was typ Manager of the Junkers Ju90 and was later engaged in the development of the Junkers EF77 airliner at the Prague design offices, as well as the Junkers Ju252 and the Junkers Ju290, which were both designed at Prague. The Junkers Prague office was headed by Kraft during WWII.
In 1946 Kraft returned to Germany and worked at Halle. In 1948 he moved to Frankfurt, where he built up the Oxygen Facilities at Griesheim. In the 1950s Kraft was engaged in the builtup of car production facilities.
- Flugzeug Lorenz - German Kraft Biography
Dr. Kredel, Ernst
Krohn, Johannes
1918 - 1919 Junkers Test Pilot
Johannes Krohn was a test pilot for several WWI Junkers aircraft. He tested the Junkers J8 on 19th March 1918. On 4th May 1918 he flew first the Junkers J10 and in October 1918 he was responsible for the comparisment of the Junkers J9 with other competitors in Adlershof.
Krueckel, Josef
Kuerner, August
Larsen, John M.
1919 – 1920 Junkers Larsen Cooperation
John M. Larsen immigrated to the U.S. in 1892 from Denmark. As an engineer he designed, produced and sold cooling machines in the U.S.A. In 1919 he intended to sell U.S. aircraft in Denmark, but during his stay in Europe he also saw the Junkers F13 and was was interested in selling the Junkers F13 within the USA. Together with Junkers he founded the Junkers Larsen Corporation in 1920, which was responsible for the marketing of Junkers aircraft in the USA. Larsen managed to sell some of the modified F13 as JL6 to the U.S. Army and to the U.S. Postal Office. But due to a series of crashes the JL6 was grounded by both. Larsen also converted one JL6 to a war machine as JL12, but the U.S. Army was not interested in this aircraft and the joint venture was stopped after a few sales.
Lehmann, Willi
( * 6 Dec 1918 - 4. Mar 1959)
1939 - 1945 JFM Test Flight Engineer
1946 - 1952 OKB-I Podberseje Test Flight Engineer
1955 - 1959 VEB Flugzeugbau Dresden, Test Pilot
Willi Lehmann was an aircraft mechanic at Junkers and studied at Stettin Aviation Engineering. In 1939 he became a test flight engineer at Junkers. In 1946 he Joint Baade at the OKB-I in Podberesje and performed flight Tests of the EF150.
Since 1958 Lehmann was the head of the flight Departement at VEB Flugzeugbau Dresden. On 4 Mar 1959 he crashed with the Baade B152V1 at Dresden and was killed.
- Flugzeug Lorenz - German Lehmann Biography
Lehmann, Heinz
( 14 Aug 1914 - )
1940 - 1945 JFM Bernburg Test Pilot
1955 - 1975 VEB Flugzeugbau Dresden
Heinz Lehmann was a test Pilot of the Bernburg plant, where he performed the check flights with newly built Ju52, Ju88. In 1944 Lehmann performed high altitude test flights with the Ju388.
After WWII Lehmann Joint the Volkspolizei. In 1955 he Joint the VEB Flugzeugbau Dresden, where he performed the check flights of the IL14P. In 1959 Heinz Lehmann followed Willi Lehmann as the test Pilot for the Baade 152 Programme. Heinz Lehmann remained test Pilot at VEB Flugzeugbau Dresden until his retirement in 1975.
- Flugzeug Lorenz - German Lehmann Biography
Dr. Lichte, August
Dr. August Lichte joint the Junkers Research Institute in April 1934. He was responsible for the oil injection mechanism of the Jumo 210 and Jumo 211. In 1942 he became manager of the thermodynamic departement and chief engineer of the Junkers engine developement.
After WWII he joint the Junkers Flugzeug und Motorenwerke GmbH in Essen, where he was responsible for the setup of an engine developement unit. In 1958 this company was sold to FUS. Between 1959 and 1962 he fought against the Federal Republic of Germany as the succeeder of the German Reich and asked for more refunding money out of the confiscation of the Junkers Research Institute and the Junkers companies. Lichte thought to invest this money for a new Junkers research programme.
Dr. Ludwig, Robert
introduced Mar 2004, transfered 14 Feb 2018
contents last updated 14 Feb 2018